Pasi Autio

Bird Disco performance

Performance, 2021, 25 min

"Everyone dances to a “chirpy beat” in Pasi Autio’s Bird Disco. Autio is fascinated by the rhythms and musicality of birdsongs. Drastic drops in bird populations have been reported in the news recently. With this piece, the artist stirs mixed emotions by linking a grave global issue – biodiversity loss – with the seductive appeal of music.

Autio synthesized natural birdsongs into rhythmic, minimalist, psychedelic “disco hits”. Dancer Saku Koistinen created the choreography based on typical avian movements. Koistinen is also the “dance teacher” in the Bird Disco."

In the performance Saku Koistinen dances to a "chirpy beat" in front of the audience who can join in the dance by following Saku´s movements, or with their own style