An Unusual Step
Videowork, 2012, 16:9 Full HD video, 7´40 s, stereo sound
An Unusual Step one can follow one gait cycle, performed very slowly (about 6 min) by a Languages: An Unusual Step (english version), Vieras askel (finnish version)
man on the pavement in a city. Meanwhile his voice is telling what is happening in the body during the movement. It is like he’s taking the step in the pace of his conscious thinking.
The starting point for my video An Unusual Step was the wonder of walking. How do we walk without falling? My attempt to answer the question through logical reasoning only ended up in confusion after noticing how little my consciousness understands my own body's functions.
In An Unusual Step, I use walking as a tool to express the complexity of the body's functions that we take for granted as well as the complex relationship between the functions and conscious thinking. If you try to control your body consciously when walking, you may notice that walking becomes difficult and changes from decelerating slowly falling forward into an extremely slow balancing.